Wednesday, 12 August 2020

WHEN, WERE, and HOW to find your Passion.

Day 2

After defining passion, the next question is about the end goal: what will be your end goal?

Is it money, wealth, fame, or other things?

Look at these things that you believe to be true!

Now, use the prompts below to help you get going.

When I find my passion, my life will be …
When I find my passion, I will feel …

Will know I’ve found my passion when … 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

WHEN, WERE, and HOW to find your Passion

Day 1:
Everyone tells you about finding your passion, but no one is there to tell you WHEN, WERE, and HOW to find your passion.
Today we have started a course on our page about “How To Find Your Passion”
How do you define passion!
First, we have to clarify our beliefs about passion, what passion is, is it certain belief, or is it a thought, or is it an idea?
Every day we wake up and follow the routine. Ask yourself, does our daily routine make us feel good or worst. If you feel worse than we have to find our passion. Finding your passion will give you both excitement and enjoyment.
The question is HOW!!
Lets grab your pen and page and write about what is passion, do not stick with good and bad, just write what comes into your mind.
Here we have prompts that will assist you in writing about your passion

  • Passion for me means …
  •  Passion for my friends and family means …
  •  When I am living a passionate life, it looks …
  •  When I am following my passion, I feel …
(Stay tuned for next post, which will be about “ How will you know when you’re living a passionate life?’)

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