Albert Einstein
· Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879, to April 18, 1955) was a German mathematician and physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity
· Einstein wasn’t a very bright student. He even had problems with his speech
· He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect"
· Einstein's intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with "genius".
Life change
· In 1889 Einstein saw a wonder when he was four or five years old, Einstein saw a magnetic compass. The needle’s northward swing, guided by an invisible force, impressed him.
· The compass convinced him that there had to be “something behind things, something deeply hidden”
· At age 12, he found a book on geometry which he read over and over again
· In 1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect
· He developed the general theory of Relativity
· He is best known for the mass-energy Equivalence (E = mc2)
· He discovered the “law of Photoelectric Effect”
· He established the “law of Quantum Theory”
· He laid the foundation of “Photon Theory of Light”
· He published more than 300 Scientific Papers. 150 Non- Scientific works
· Noble Prize in Physics (1921)
1905: The Year of Miracles
· In 1905, the same year as he submitted his doctoral thesis, Albert Einstein published four immensely important scientific papers dealing with his analysis of:
· Brownian motion
· the equivalence of mass and energy
· the photoelectric effect
· special relativity
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Theory of Relativity
· The theory simply states that the speed of light (constant, c) is the fastest speed in the universe and relates energy (E) and mass (M). It talks about how time and distance can change due to the different speeds of an object and its observer.
· After this theory was proven right in an experiment in 1919 (deflection of light by the sun’s gravitational field) Einstein became famous overnight. He received invitations and honors from all over the world
· The theory of relativity is actually two theories that Albert Einstein came up with in the early 1900s. One is called "special" relativity and the other is called "general" relativity. We will talk mostly about special relativity here.There are two main ideas that make up Einstein's theory of special relativity
· The principle of relativity: The laws of physics are the same for any inertial reference frame.
· The principle of the speed of light: The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or the motion of the source of the light.
· In this mathematical equation, E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of the light in a vacuum (ca. 300,000 km/s).
· Einstein’s 1905 paper on the matter/energy relationship proposed the equation
· E=MC2: energy of a body (E) is equal to the mass (M) of that body and the speed of light squared (C2)
· This equation suggested that tiny particles of matter could be converted into huge amounts of energy
Albert Einstein’s Inventions
· Photons: He discovered that light is made up of small particles called photons and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
· Bose-Einstein Condensate: Einstein discovered a state of matter with another scientist, Satyendra Bose. Today it is used in things like lasers.
· Atomic Bomb: Not directly connected with inventing it, but his Theory of Relativity is connected with the invention of the atomic bomb.
Facts about Einstein’s
· Thomas Stoltz Harvey removed his brain, reportedly without the permission of his family, for preservation and future study by doctors of neuroscience
· His intelligence15 percent wider than in people with normal intelligence
· Einstein's intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with GENIOUS
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